No matter your go-to—savory or sweet, each of these five snacks includes some ingredients that can help reduce inflammation, like nut butter, chickpeas, berries, and more. 

Since chronic inflammation can cause pain in your joints and even keep you from maintaining a healthy weight, you’ll want to have a couple of these tasty bites on hand for when you’re feeling famished and a healthy way to stay satisfied between meals.

Plain Yogurt with Berries & Walnuts

Whether for breakfast or a snack, yogurt is always an easy option. 

Avoid sugary blends and choose a plain variety (dairy-free or regular) that you can customize with your inflammation-fighting toppings. 

The yogurt provides fat and protein, while the blueberries and walnuts are anti-inflammatory superfoods. Plus, walnuts provide omega-3s, which help the body restore balance after inflammation. If you are allergic to nuts, try fresh fruit like strawberries or bananas

Smoked Salmon & Avocado Toast

A piece of hearty, whole-grain toast slathered with smashed avocado and slices of smoked salmon is a delicious way to keep midday hunger at bay. 

Salmon is a fatty fish that’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and is thought to help reduce inflammation in the body. It’s also a good source of protein, so combined with the healthy fats from the avocado, it’s a snack that will keep you full for a while. 

Choosing a whole-grain slice of bread for the toast will provide extra dietary fiber, which most people lack in their diet.

Peanut Butter Crackers

To most accessible and most convenient go-to snack might surprise you—yep—it’s peanut butter crackers.  

Peanut butter is a significant protein source and has the carbs to kick the 3 pm blues. The crackers are a go-to source of salt that the body needs, especially if you do your do-diligence and hydrate correctly. Your hunger pains will disappear with a healthy mix of carbs and protein.

Vitamin-Rich Smoothies

The fantastic thing about smoothies is that they’re a blank canvas, ready to be filled with healthy, anti-inflammatory ingredients. 

The key to keeping your smoothie healthy is to avoid high-sugar ingredients (consuming too much added refined sugar can cause inflammation). 

Skip the added honey, maple syrup, and other sweeteners, and rely on bananas, dates, or berries for that sweet taste you’re after. Up the anti-inflammatory factor by adding leafy greens like spinach, vibrant veggies like beets, and dark, antioxidant-rich blueberries.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eggs are the #1 source of vitamin D and have anti-inflammatory effects. They’re also a good source of protein and B vitamins.

Spruce them up and add some hot sauce, pickles, and banana peppers, or wrap them in a leafy green to create your own take on an egg ‘salad’ sandwich. You can’t go wrong with this easy-to-prep ‘tasty’ snack.



Tasty Recap

Overall, these five excellent snacks will keep the hunger pains to a minimum and jolt you over the threshold until the dinner bell rings. These fantastic snack food ideas not only reduce inflammation but have a powerful positive effect on brain function and the immune system and aid in losing weight. 

The wellness journey begins from the inside out—so start taking care of your body today and place these snack ideas at the top of your next grocery list!