Today, many health-conscious people enjoy IV hydration therapy to get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even medications they need to feel better and keep their bodies functioning properly. 

With drip hydration, nutrients are instantly available, so your body can absorb 100% of what it needs before passing along the rest to your kidneys to be flushed out.


With so many kinds of vitamins and supplements available, IV therapy can deliver a range of health and wellness benefits, including:

  • Promote Weight Loss
  • Decrease Hang-Over Symptoms
  • Treat Nutrient Deficiency 
  • Cleansing Toxins from your Body
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Promote Cardiovascular Health
  • Reduce Anxiety & Increase Relaxation

IV therapy is one of the most exciting wellness treatments that’ll replenish your body with hydration and nutrients, increase energy levels, slow the signs of aging, improve muscle recovery, and boost stamina. Read below to learn the common uses and affordability of at-home IV Therapy and why it’s a widespread trend today.


IV therapy is a new trend for treating flu symptoms, hangovers, jet lag, and exercise fatigue. Sometimes people refer to this treatment as a ‘cocktail’.

Where To Find IV Therapy in Public:

  • Hydrations Bars (Commonly Found in Larger Populated Cities)
  • Lounges
  • Spas
  • Wellness Centers

Its popularity has grown recently, and the fix is easy to understand for a quick boost or a fast hangover remedy. However, IV Therapy wasn’t always popular and was traditionally used for medical use only. Mainly for patients suffering from chronic conditions, cancer treatments, or dialysis.

Costs range from $80 to $400 depending on the type of therapy required and the treatment plan; in addition, if you hire a professional to meet with you at home or take the necessary training to perform the treatment yourself. 


  • Hangover Relief: 

You might wake up feeling awful after overindulging during a night out. A dry mouth, pounding headache, upset digestive system, and desire to keep the shades drawn are all telltale signs of a hangover. 

IV therapy is an effective way to find relief that replaces the last-ditch efforts of chugging a glass of water or a cup of coffee with an over-the-counter painkiller and going back to bed. 

  • Athletic Performance Recovery: 

Your body may feel drained and sore after an intense workout. Whether you ran a marathon or hit the gym for a lifting session, your body could use a boost. 

IV therapy helps athletes recover following periods of exertion and includes numerous components designed to support athletes during recovery. 

  • Immune System Support: 

The immune system fights off infection and keeps the body healthy, but we can still get sick. Whether you are worried about getting sick — especially during cold and flu season — or you’ve caught a bug. 

IV therapy for immune system support includes several vitamins and minerals to naturally boost the immune system, expedite recovery and reduce the chances of you catching a bug. 

  • Pregnancy Symptom Alleviation: 

Morning sickness is a common experience during pregnancy with symptoms like an upset stomach or vomiting.

While these symptoms typically subside as the pregnancy progresses, they can be uncomfortable and disruptive to your daily life. IV therapy for morning sickness includes fluids for hydration, vitamins, and medication to help manage nausea and vomiting. 


As mentioned, there are several ways to achieve a peaceful and at-home IV therapy session, but most wellness experts suggest that orders from a physician must be deemed appropriate. 

If you’re interested in boosting your energy or immune function before or after a workout or suffer from any of the common uses mentioned above, consider speaking with a medical professional about IV at-home therapy or visit your local IV lounge for more details.