Before we dive into the three ways sound therapy can change your life, let’s discover what this sensory meditation is.

Music or sound healing therapy uses different sounds to improve your physical health and emotional well-being. Music therapy is often practiced in multiple forms, from guided meditations to dance to sound baths. Using the various aspects of sound to focus on your physical or mental health.

Sound therapy is one of the most effective ways to heal today. And because it doesn’t rely on medication or drugs, it can help those who are allergic to or negatively affected by the side effects of pharmaceuticals. If you’re interested in learning more about sound therapy and how it can change your life, this list of three ways may be what you need to heal and find that inner peace you’ve been searching for.

Relieve Stress

Stress is the #1 mental health threat in today’s society. 

Not only does it increase our risk of developing a disease, but it can also harm brain development. Many people who struggle with stress daily can find relief by learning how to manage their fight or flight response through sound therapy. 

By listening to calming music at least once a day, you can better understand how to respond to negative emotions or situations. Instead of the usual (anxious) response, we can take a step back, analyze the problem, and quickly (and calmly) find a solution. This ultimately changes the body’s natural stress response. (Fight or flight)

Improve Brain Function

The world is a noisy place.

Many of us spend time listening to sounds like traffic, airplanes, construction, phones beeping every second, etc. This can fatigue our brains and bodies because too much stimulation tricks our minds into working harder to understand what we’re hearing. 

Listening to quiet music or nature sounds helps restore cognitive function by allowing your mind to relax for a little while. Instead of delving into social media, playing games, or watching tv to pass the time —try putting the phone down and listening to non-instrumental music. Here are a few ideas—

  • Nature Sounds (Rain, Waves, Wind, Storms, etc.)
  • Classical Music
  • Soft Music
  • Meditation Sounds


Enhance Mood & Emotion

When we’re feeling down or moody, sometimes we need a jolt of positivity to get us back on track. Sound therapy techniques are explicitly designed to target these feelings and help you feel happier more often. A bonus is that these same techniques can also be used for all kinds of other conditions—

  • Migraines
  • Stress 
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Addiction

And much more.

When you’re feeling anxious, your body produces cortisol (the stress hormone), suppressing your immune system and increasing inflammation. Sound therapy can make you feel relaxed, reducing stress levels.Think back to the last time you heard a fast-paced song while driving. Did you catch yourself going a little over the speed limit?

How about having an earworm (the same song replaying in your head) while cleaning? Did humming or singing make the chore go faster? 

Music or any type of sound is therapy for our overall wellness and can elevate our lives in many ways.


If you are interested in discovering a new way of living and changing your life for the better—invest in your wellness and try sound therapy today. Relive that extra stress you carry around, and decrease anxiety by 58% daily by listening to soothing sounds. 

Remember to listen to your body—it’s telling you when you need a break. When you’re tired, you rest. When you’re hungry, you eat. When you’re brain is tired—but your physical body is not, try sound therapy. It might surprise you just how relaxed you are when you are done. Wellness, after all, is about the journey—not the destination.