These days, our lives revolve around screens—our phones the moment we wake up, our computer monitors during work, the televisions we watch to unwind, and more all bombard our eyes with light. Research now suggests that too much screen time can be harmful to our overall health in a myriad of ways. Let’s take a look at some troubling side effects PLUS find out how you can protect yourself from future damage.

Effects Of Too Much Screentime

  1. Insomnia & Other Sleep Problems. Our sleep schedules are regulated by circadian rhythms—the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These patterns are naturally affected by the amount of light affecting our eyes. Ever notice how rainy days tend to make a lot of folks sleepy? Circadian rhythms are the cause! As light fades when the sun sets or is obscured by clouds, it signals our brains to produce more melatonin, thus helping relax the mind and body in preparation for slumber. With the advent of modern lights and screens allowing us to keep darkness at bay late into the night, our natural cycles get knocked out of alignment and sleep problems rapidly arise.
  2. Depression & Anxiety. There are a pletora of reasons why too much screen time can lead to depression and anxiety. One key factor is the isolating effects endless scrolling can have on our lives. Too much time in front of a sceen can keep you from your closest relationships and get in between quality time. That fact makes people feel lonely, leading to anxiety and depression. Research also suggests that blue light from screens disrupts the brain’s ability to produce certain neurotransmitters and chemicals responsible for good feelings and calm.
  3. Eye Strain & Vision Issues. Ever notice how much your eyes hurt after a long day at the office? Turns out our moms were right all along and sitting that close to a TV will hurt your eyes. By staring directly into blue light for hours at a time, our eyes are overworked, causing strain and stress, which leads to blurry vision, pain, headaches, and more


Take A Digital Detox To Prevent Further Damage

Unfortunately, staying away from screens is a near impossibility in our modern world. How would most of us work or go about our daily lives? But prioritizing health is a critical choice for feeling better and living well, so there’s a few ways to keep your wellness in check while surrounded by harmful blue light. One way is with a digital detox!

Detoxes are super popular for a myriad of health benefits. Some people detox for better digestive health with juice cleanses, others detox from toxin build up with supportive herbs. When it comes to screen tme, we can’t completely remove them from our lives, but we can mitigate their effects with the following tips!

  1. Schedule Regular Breaks. It’s okay to scroll—but setting limits around how long you spend lost in your phone screen or glued to your work monitor is crucial. Try setting an alarm on your phone or watch to go off once an hour. Then, find a spot about twenty feet away from you and gaze at it. This helps to reset your eyes and give them a break.
  2. Create Screen Free Environments. Does every room in the house need a television? Not really. Use this reality to create safe havens around your home where screens aren’t permitted, giving your eyes time to relax, your family members time to hang out with you, and more. We recommend taking screens out of the bedroom to maximize your time away from blue light and help you fall asleep better every night.
  3. Downgrade Your Devices. This solution might be a little outside the box, but the blue light effects on older screens may not be as harmful to your eyes and health as more modern ones are. Is your current TV or computer ready to be replaced? Instead of going for the latest, top of the line model, try finding a certified use one from a few years ago. You can also switch back to a flip phone in extreme cases!

Overall, health is important–yet our modern day lifestyle with constant screens and blue light poses a threat to balanced wellness. If you’ve been suffering from anxiety, depression, sleep troubles, eye strain, migraines and more, a digital detox might be a wise choice to make to ensure you continue to live your best life.